Send your completed Membership Form to the school or click the link to sign up online.
KPTO is always looking for volunteers to help out with a fundraiser and/or event.
FAQ's can be found at the bottom of this page.
Feel free to contact a chairperson to see how you can help on various committees.
See below for a summary of committees.
CORI Background Checks - All volunteers, who will have any contact with students, are required to complete an authorization form for a CORI background check. CORI checks are good for three years. If you have not completed an authorization form at any Kingston school, please bring a picture ID and the form to the office and a staff member will assist you.
School librarians always appreciate parent volunteers to shelve books and check them in/out. Helping out like this is a fantastic way to stay involved in your student's school experience. Interested? Please email Denise Raynard at KES (draynard@slrsd.org)
Follow Kingston PTO on Facebook and read the monthly meeting minutes for more volunteer opportunities throughout the school year.
KPTO is always looking for volunteers to help out with a fundraiser and/or event.
FAQ's can be found at the bottom of this page.
Feel free to contact a chairperson to see how you can help on various committees.
See below for a summary of committees.
CORI Background Checks - All volunteers, who will have any contact with students, are required to complete an authorization form for a CORI background check. CORI checks are good for three years. If you have not completed an authorization form at any Kingston school, please bring a picture ID and the form to the office and a staff member will assist you.
School librarians always appreciate parent volunteers to shelve books and check them in/out. Helping out like this is a fantastic way to stay involved in your student's school experience. Interested? Please email Denise Raynard at KES (draynard@slrsd.org)
Follow Kingston PTO on Facebook and read the monthly meeting minutes for more volunteer opportunities throughout the school year.
Summary of committees

FUNDRAISING: The KPTO needs to raise large amounts of money to fund field trips, cultural enrichment, teacher appreciation programs, and other popular events sponsored by the KPTO. We currently run a check writing campaign in the fall while other fundraisers vary from year to year. We love to partner with the community as well. This committee is the cornerstone to the entire KPTO!
CULTURAL ENRICHMENT: To enhance the curriculum for all grade levels, special activities and presenters are invited to the school throughout the year. This committee researches, coordinates, and attends presentations and performers for both schools. A great way to get to know the staff at KES and KIS!
FIELD TRIPS: This committee works in conjunction with the grade level teachers and the administration to identify appropriate field trips for each grade. This committee organizes logistics for each field trip.
HARLEM WIZARDS: This committee organizes this one-night event. Duties include team arrangements, refreshments, raffle items, ticket collection, and any other needs.
TEACHER/STAFF APPRECIATION COMMITTEE: This committee arranges for both a breakfast in the fall and a week of appreciation including a catered lunch in the spring. We love to let the schools know how much we appreciate all that they do!
BACK TO SCHOOL EVENT: To celebrate the beginning of the new school year, the entire KES and KIS student body and their families are invited to attend the Back to School Ice Cream Social (early-mid September). This is always a fun event and a great opportunity to see friends old and new at the start of the new school year.
WINTER HOLIDAY FESTIVAL: Silver Lake Integrated Preschool through 4th grade students and their families are invited to attend a fun filled event in early December where they can create holiday crafts, socialize, enjoy breakfast, and visit with Santa. This committee takes care of all the planning and executing, from soliciting donations for raffles to set up and clean up after the event. A fun festive morning is always had by all. This is a great event for 1st year PTO members!
BOOK FAIR: This team coordinates and runs both a small book fair at Winter Holiday Festival and a larger week-long event in the spring. Give us a shout!
EVENING EVENTS FOR 5TH GRADE: Fifth grade girls and boys are treated to a nighttime event with an adult role model. Speakers and presentations focus on topics such as positive body image and social concerns and light refreshments are served. A nice evening for both kids and adults.
SIXTH GRADE CELEBRATION: This committee organizes an end of year (June) celebration for the sixth graders to mark their accomplishments at KES/KIS before they head off to the middle school. Volunteers are needed to organize the celebration, solicit donations, and chaperone the event.
CULTURAL ENRICHMENT: To enhance the curriculum for all grade levels, special activities and presenters are invited to the school throughout the year. This committee researches, coordinates, and attends presentations and performers for both schools. A great way to get to know the staff at KES and KIS!
FIELD TRIPS: This committee works in conjunction with the grade level teachers and the administration to identify appropriate field trips for each grade. This committee organizes logistics for each field trip.
HARLEM WIZARDS: This committee organizes this one-night event. Duties include team arrangements, refreshments, raffle items, ticket collection, and any other needs.
TEACHER/STAFF APPRECIATION COMMITTEE: This committee arranges for both a breakfast in the fall and a week of appreciation including a catered lunch in the spring. We love to let the schools know how much we appreciate all that they do!
BACK TO SCHOOL EVENT: To celebrate the beginning of the new school year, the entire KES and KIS student body and their families are invited to attend the Back to School Ice Cream Social (early-mid September). This is always a fun event and a great opportunity to see friends old and new at the start of the new school year.
WINTER HOLIDAY FESTIVAL: Silver Lake Integrated Preschool through 4th grade students and their families are invited to attend a fun filled event in early December where they can create holiday crafts, socialize, enjoy breakfast, and visit with Santa. This committee takes care of all the planning and executing, from soliciting donations for raffles to set up and clean up after the event. A fun festive morning is always had by all. This is a great event for 1st year PTO members!
BOOK FAIR: This team coordinates and runs both a small book fair at Winter Holiday Festival and a larger week-long event in the spring. Give us a shout!
EVENING EVENTS FOR 5TH GRADE: Fifth grade girls and boys are treated to a nighttime event with an adult role model. Speakers and presentations focus on topics such as positive body image and social concerns and light refreshments are served. A nice evening for both kids and adults.
SIXTH GRADE CELEBRATION: This committee organizes an end of year (June) celebration for the sixth graders to mark their accomplishments at KES/KIS before they head off to the middle school. Volunteers are needed to organize the celebration, solicit donations, and chaperone the event.
Frequently Asked questionS

I want to support KPTO's mission, but I'm not able to volunteer for the fundraisers. Can I make a cash donation instead?
Now that KPTO has been accepted as a 501(c)(3) public charity, we are indeed able to solicit and accept cash donations and apply for grant money. In addition, when individuals or businesses contribute to the KPTO, they may be able to claim those donations as tax-deductible charitable contributions. Don't forget to submit matching gift forms to employers to maximize KPTO funds!
I purchased an item for a KPTO committee or event, how do I get reimbursed?
Please submit all receipts for reimbursement to the KPTO Treasurer. A check will be left for you in the main office at the school of your choice.
I am a teacher and I'd like to participate in the reimbursement program. What do I need to do?
Complete the Teacher & Staff Reimbursement Form and place it in the PTO mailbox in the main office. The KPTO Treasurer will leave a check in your mailbox.
How do I get on the list to receive KPTO information (meeting minutes, etc.)?
Complete a Membership Form and send it back to school with your student. The KPTO Secretary will add your email address to our regular communications and share your information with committee chairpersons if you indicate you would like to help out with specific events/committees.
What purpose does Kingston PTO serve?
The Parent Teacher Organization is made up of parents, teachers and school administrators, all of whom have the best interest of the students at KES and KIS. Together, the organization works to provide programs that the schools could not otherwise provide due to financial and time restrictions. The KPTO encourages the school community to work together to promote the education and welfare of students by fostering communication between parents and school personnel.
More questions? Please do not hesitate to contact us at any time!
Now that KPTO has been accepted as a 501(c)(3) public charity, we are indeed able to solicit and accept cash donations and apply for grant money. In addition, when individuals or businesses contribute to the KPTO, they may be able to claim those donations as tax-deductible charitable contributions. Don't forget to submit matching gift forms to employers to maximize KPTO funds!
I purchased an item for a KPTO committee or event, how do I get reimbursed?
Please submit all receipts for reimbursement to the KPTO Treasurer. A check will be left for you in the main office at the school of your choice.
I am a teacher and I'd like to participate in the reimbursement program. What do I need to do?
Complete the Teacher & Staff Reimbursement Form and place it in the PTO mailbox in the main office. The KPTO Treasurer will leave a check in your mailbox.
How do I get on the list to receive KPTO information (meeting minutes, etc.)?
Complete a Membership Form and send it back to school with your student. The KPTO Secretary will add your email address to our regular communications and share your information with committee chairpersons if you indicate you would like to help out with specific events/committees.
What purpose does Kingston PTO serve?
The Parent Teacher Organization is made up of parents, teachers and school administrators, all of whom have the best interest of the students at KES and KIS. Together, the organization works to provide programs that the schools could not otherwise provide due to financial and time restrictions. The KPTO encourages the school community to work together to promote the education and welfare of students by fostering communication between parents and school personnel.
More questions? Please do not hesitate to contact us at any time!